The Web Developer Blog

A mish mash of ideas, suggestions and thoughts from ADD Creative Web Developers.

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We’re live at last!

It’s been a couple of months in the making, but our fab new website is now live, with all sorts of new goodies available.

As a web design company it would have been easy for us to throw up any old site, but that’s not the way we work, so a lot of research went into our new design. We looked into how best to communicate with new customers, spent an age learning from existing customers; what works for them and what doesn’t, and we’re pretty thrilled with the results.

So what’s new?

Well we’ve:

  • Developed a colourful new clean looking design
  • Made sure potential and existing customers can find the key information
  • Added a great portfolio section, showcasing our latest clients and designs
  • Added our social media links so clients can connect with us in more than one place
  • Upgraded our blog so we can keep you up to date with news
  • Breathed a sigh of relief that it looks great!

In 2011 we want to take an extremely proactive stance with our customers, rather than just being reactive – as the premier web design company in Milton Keynes we feel we owe it to the clients that helped us to become so.

We’d love to hear what you think about our new site, so why not tell us in the comments below?

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